Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Beat The Bookstore! - Buy and Sell Textbooks and more
For all you kiddies starting school again you can avoid some of the ridiculous bookstore prices using Don't let the bookstore get ya!

The 40 Year Old Virgin

I think this guy has it a little tough. Look at his recent film roles. First he was a retarded weatherman in "Anchorman" and now he's a 40-year-old virgin. I'm sorry dude, that's rough.

I guess he must be unhappy about it too because this film, for me, was painful. Is this your method of revenge?

Watching "The 40 Year Old Virgin" is probably what its like being a 40-year-old virgin! Long, painful & oftentimes embarrasing.

I saw this on monday night and although it did have its laughs I thought it was pretty crude & not terribly great. I think this movie may have been written by a 40-year-old virgin the way it is completely fixated on sex. From the beginning to the end that is the plot, sub-plot & climax. No wonder people are getting sick of Hollywood. Is this the best you can do?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dear Palestinian Bomber,

Dear Palestinian Bomber,

You have been pre-approved for our new Chase platinum credit card...

What?! That's what Sami Habbas thought when he opened his mail. The address was correct but the name was definitely not. Somehow his name had been changed to 'Palestinian Bomber' in JP Morgan Chase official records.

JP Morgan Chase has issued a formal apology for the error & are actively researching how this sort of thing could have happened. This, however, is not the first time this has happened...

LaChania Govan, aka, "Bitch Dog" had her name changed by her cable company as well. Officials from Comcast Cable have also apologized and the workers responsible have been fired. They are unsure why something like this had to happen.

I think the moral of this story is: Don't piss off the man. Someone will change your name and turn you into a bomber, or a dog or...

Drive Thru Road Rage

What would you do after stabbing someone twice? Order five double cheese-burgers of course! This grandpa stabbed a man in the McDonald's drive-thru after he alledgedly cut him off and then continued with his order & left.

As the story goes Grandpa here cut off the second driver into the drive-thru. The two men got out of their cars and argued. After the second driver returned to his car pops pulled his pocket knife and stabbed him in the arm and chest. His daughter, also in the car, was not injured.

I really think our world is falling apart.. or maybe its just the US. I hear that a country which includes a McDonalds has never attacked the US. Way to go gramps. You're really screwin' this up!

Percentage Of Steakers Who Keep Their Shoes On: 85

How can you tell the difference from an alligator? Florida crocodiles have a more slender build and different snout shape. Its snout tapers forward from the eyes; the gator's snout is untapered and rounded at the end. Then there's that tooth. When the croc's mouth is closed, that fourth tooth in the lower jaw juts out. Gators' teeth don't show. St. Petersburg Times and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

* A survey conducted for Ace hardware shows that women don't object to getting their hands dirty. Fifty-two percent have repaired a running toilet, 46 percent fixed a leaky faucet, 44 percent cleaned heating and air-conditioning equipment and 38 percent installed a light fixture. St. Petersburg Times

*Number of cell phone subscribers in the United States: 180 million. Time

* Percentage of streakers who keep their shoes on: 85. Allure

*For the first time, single adults outnumber couples with children as the most common type of household in the United States, according to new figures from the 2000 Census. Associated Press

*Hawaiians consume nearly 7 million cans of Spam each year - about 6 cans for every man, woman and child. Playboy

* Amount paid by New York restaurateur Francesco Giambelli at an auction for a 2.4-pound white truffle: $41,000. Playboy

*On a typical workday, more Americans eat lunch in a car (15 percent) than in a restaurant (14 percent). Most dine at home, at their desk, or in the office lunchroom. Associated Press

*Northwest Airlines might soon start charging passengers for sodas. The troubled carrier already does so for snacks and meals, and it stopped giving out free pretzels and magazines on domestic routes in June. BusinessWeek

*You mean that was real? "It took months for my chest hair to grow back," says Steve Carell of his waxing scene in The 40-Year-Old Virgin. "I thought I'd be all macho, but it hurt like crazy. I doff my cap to women. I'd have none of it." Entertainment Weekly

* Full mail service is expected to be restored to the barrier island community of Pensacola Beach one day before the Sept. 16 anniversary of Hurricane Ivan. Why so long? Many mailboxes had not been repaired or replaced and storm debris posed a hazard. Associated Press

*Students at Empire High School in Arizona started class this year with iBooks instead of textbooks. The school issued the Apple laptop computers to each of its 340 students, becoming one of the first U.S. public schools to shun printed textbooks. Associated Press

*Drunken driving deaths declined 2 percent across the nation last year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In Florida, 865 died in 2004, down from 907 in 2003. Associated Press

Attack Of The Ham Steak!

This is the biggest freakin ham steak ever to walk the earth. Big thanks to Jerry's Diner in Lakeview, OR.

Beverly Hillbillies

This is what my trip was for. Can you say Beverly HillBillies? We did manage to lose a box spring at nine pm on the freeway, but that was recovered.. most of it anyway. Besides getting sick and puking all over the side of the truck it was an enjoyable trip!

Friday, August 26, 2005

My Marathon Trip

I'm about to leave on my marathon trip. If you click the Google Maps link to the left it'll show you roughly where I'm going & how long the trip is. I have to say though that Google Maps isn't the most precise for trip directions. This suggestion actually ads about 4-hours & 200-miles to my trip. Ooh well, you get the point anyway.

I'll see if I can't post once or twice while I'm gone... Wish me luck.

On The State Of Mexifornia

Just released! The new Mexifornia drivers license!
After being removed from their territory decades ago the mexicans have officially taken back their state.

According to this license the carrier is entitled to:
Drive, Attend Colllege, Purchase Guns & Vote.

Debate is still hot on whether voting counts in the US or Mexico.

Wait, this just in. There isn't any difference anymore...

Sick Of Your Wife? Pretend To Kill Someone

With a cranium the size of this one I would have thought he could come up with a better way of trying to 'ditch his wife'. Teddy Akin (pictured) told his wife that he killed a hitchhiker and dumped his body in the woods in an effort to get her to leave him. He even had a wallet to prove it!

The wallet, it turns out, he found on a newspaper rack and used that as his 'evidence'.

His wife called the police and the whole thing was cleared up after an intensive 7-hour search in the nearby woods. His real story came out during the investigation and the wallet was returned to its rightful, living, owner.

Teddy is being billed for the expense of the 7-hour search for his 'dead hitchhiker'.

I wonder if your wife will leave you for being plain stupid?

"Tom Brady", A Low Down Dirty Snake

Snakes are considered evil & creepy and spawned from the devil, right? Are the New England Patriots considered evil as well? This fan may think so.

Van Wallach, who is the curatorial assistant at Harvard's Department of Invertebrates, was given the two-headed milk snake after someone found it in Augusta, Maine.

Wallach, who is a fan of the New England Patriots said he named the right head of the snake Belichick for Pats coach Bill Belichick and the left head Brady for quarterback Tom Brady.

I wonder if Belichick & Brady sold their souls (which were conveniently reincarnated into a single, two-headed snake) in exchange for a few Super Bowl titles. Kinda makes you wonder..

I wonder if we'll find a snake representation of Kobe Bryant or A-Rod.

My Sleep Deprived Life

Today I feel like I'm running just as fast as I can and all I can manage to do is merely keep up. The sad thing is that there is no end in sight--no light at the end of the tunnel.

I slept very poorly last night. I'm not sure the reason but I woke up very un-rested. I went to class at 8:00 and left after my second class at 10:00. From there I rode home, grabbed some ID and went to the DMV for a new license. I'm sure everyone has spent some time in their life at the DMV so you know how that experience went.

From there I went straight to work and I've got 5-hours to go. The end of a busy week you might think? Wrong.

Directly after work I start a 12-hour drive to Oregon. We'll drive all night, arrive in the morning, pack the truck with boxes that need moving, turn around & be back sunday night. This is not going to be the restful weekend that I need. I really feel like this is going to be run, run, run, die!

If you don't hear from me after this weekend you'll know I ran myself into the ground and died of exhaustion. Pretty sad that I only made it through the first week of school. Welcome to the Sleep Deprivation Chamber called "working-student".

Thursday, August 25, 2005

BrandPort - Efficient. Effective.

BrandPortI came across this earlier today and already made some money. I know it sounds funny but it really isn't. Its simple, and actually makes some sense.

1. You create a free account with BrandPort.
2. You watch the few advertisements (very short tv ads).
3. Answer 4-5 questions.
4. Get paid.

When your balance reaches $5 they deposit the amount in your Paypal account. Simple as that--and its all advertisements you'd see anyway!

It may not be enough to quit your job but, if you're like me, you can't turn down extra money!

"High Altitude" Cooking - Not Just For Pilots Anymore

I live in the desert. The "high altitude" desert. You know where I live. Its called Utah.

Well, we learned something new today here in my house. A friend was helping cook some brownies tonight for a fundraiser and wondered why her baking always turned out... different.

"What does this mean?" she asked, "these instructions about 'high altitude' cooking?"

"Those are special instructions for people who live in the mountains, like us" came the reply.

There was a slight pause followed by understanding spreading over her face. After this came the laughing.

"I thought that was for if you were cooking on a plane!"

So, for those who can't quite bake that cake just right, try the 'high altitude' instructions. It's not just for pilots anymore!

Bigamy - Not As Expensive As You Thought

When Melvyn Reed awoke from his triple bypass surgery I'm sure he wished he hadn't. Despite his best efforts to stagger their visits, his three wives showed up at the same time. His life as a bigamist (read P.I.M.P) was over.

He pleaded guilty July 19 to two charges of bigamy and was given a four-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay $126 in costs. Not bad for a 59-year-old playa!

Only $126 huh? That really isn't too bad! Bigamy really is a lot more affordable than I thought.

Well, Melvyn, I'm sorry things didn't work out for you. Maybe next time huh?

Under The Influence...

What do you get when you cross a young impressionable bat-boy, $500 & a dare? A six game suspension!

A batboy who accepted a dare Sunday by trying to drink a gallon of milk without throwing up has been suspended by the Marlins for his actions.

The unidentified batboy will not be allowed to work the upcoming, six-game homestand at Dolphins Stadium against the Cardinals and Mets from Aug. 29 through Sept. 4.

But Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny, who offered $500 to the batboy if he could drink a gallon of milk in less than an hour before Sunday's game, was angry about the decision.

''It's kind of ridiculous that you get a 10-game suspension for steroids and a six-game suspension for milk,'' Penny said.

According to Penny, the batboy drank the gallon of milk within the time allotment but was unable to keep it down.

Let's Put Another Shrimp On The Barbie!

In honor of our great fire fighters in Florida here are some super deals from! Thanks for all the laughs guys!

Irony At Its Best!

I'm sure everyone has heard that song by Alanis Morissette called "Ironic". Well she missed one.

This Florida Fire Truck caught fire suddenly on I-95 on Aug 23rd. It was just coming back from being repaired & up it went in all her $534,000 glory!

How's that for irony.

P.S. The previous post about the child-shooting took place in Florida as well. Florida, you are now excused from the country. You may leave, thank you.

"Magic" Milk For Your "Magic" Brownies

Introducing "Magic" Milk a great combination for "Magic" Brownies that you and your dorm-buddies made last nite. (Currently only available in russia.)

"Russia’s long winter will just fly by for a herd of Russian cows which will be fed confiscated marijuana over the cold months.

Drug workers said they adopted the unusual form of animal husbandry after they were forced to destroy the sunflowers and maize crops that the 40 ton of marijuana had been planted among." (MSNBC - Reuters)

“There is simply no other way out. You see, the fields are planted with feed crops and if we remove it all the cows will have nothing to eat,” a Federal Drugs Control Service spokeswoman for the Urals region of Sverdlovsk told the paper. “I don’t know what the milk will be like after this."

Timken "Slutty" High, Canton Ohio

There are 490 female students at Timken High School, and 65 are pregnant. A local article argued that movies, TV, videogames, lazy parents and lax discipline may all be to blame. I'd say they're just plain slutty!

School offials aren't sure what has caused so many teen pregnancies but are working on an education program. This program would apparently try to educate the students on the dangers of 'being slutty'. According to the Canton Health Department, statistics through July show that 104 of the 586 babies born to Canton residents in Aultman Hospital and Mercy Medical Center had mothers between the ages of 11 and 19.

Congratulations Ohio, you're the sluttiest state in the union! ...and Timken High, great work!

Mother Of The Year - Runner Up

A Miami woman was charged with child neglect after her 3-year-old shot her 10-year-old with a handgun.

Mother Of The Year contestant, Sherice Latimore, 27, left a small-caliber handgun on the sofa in her bedroom while she went outside to show her car to a prospective buyer. During this time that the children were unattended the 3-year-old picked up the gun, walked to the front of the house and shot his sister in the chest. The 10-year-0ld girl is in serious condition at the hospital.

Well Sherice, this shows great effort in neglecting & abusing your children but unfortunately you're just a runner-up. You do win for neglectful retard!

Goalie attends concert; team loses 50-1

A Belgian women's soccer team, SK Berlaar, had their butts handed to them in a 50-1 defeat against rival KV Mechelen on Saturday because their keeper went to a concert instead.

When asked why the team did so poorly the substitute keeper answered, "Our keeper went to Pukkel Pop. That's why."

The rival team scored their first goal after only four seconds!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I Want One

Aquariass - Aquarium toilet

Add a little life to your bathroom with this live aquarium. The fully functioning tank fits American Standard bowls.

I saw this advertisement for the Aquarium Toliet while browsing for the latest & greatest in quality blog posts. (Yes, it is almost a full-time job keeping you all entertained!)

All I can say is "I want one!"

Ghetto Prom - NBA Style

I'm not even sure where to begin with this... I got this from a website titled "The Ghetto Prom: Part 2". It is a collection of horrible prom outfits. This one was my pick today as I am originally from Portland and the Blazers were 'our team'.

This does make me a little bit ashamed of where I grew up. I am glad that I don't know these people--that'd just make things worse!

As I said, I am not even sure where to begin with this. I would love to hear what everyone thinks about this 'Ghetto Prom'.

When Robots Attack!

You know how animals can smell evil sometimes? I think robots have the same '6th sense'. The robot pictured here attacked the Japanese Prime Minister with a smoke screen during a routine meet-and-greet at the mall.

These robots have replaced the rent-a-cops as mall security lately. They let out a loud alarm siren when they see suspicious activity. I wonder if there is something that Mr. Prime Minister is hiding...

Good thing it wasn't this fire-breathing model or Mr. Prime Minister would be Mr. Prime-Rib Minister!

When You Wish Upon A Star

In response to our recent posts about the moon & mars I found this. You can name a star for $39.95. Sounds like it'd make a nice gift. They have single or 'couple' stars for all you love birds out there.

Beware the Mars Hoax

If you've read my previous post about Mars coming close enough to invade I apologize. It turns out that the email I recieved and based my post on is a hoax. I did find some more information for everyone though. If you'd like to read about the hoax you can click here or the real-deal here.

As they say... "I got punk'd!"

Men Are From Mars...

For you astronomy buffs out there we've got a big event coming up soon. August 27th our big blue wonder called Earth & the Red Planet will come closer than ever before. Reportedly tThe next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within
34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky.

Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty convenient to see something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month.

Unless you live 60,000 years you're never going to see this again. It's definitely worth the time!

Mother Of The Year

A woman in Georgia was recently arrested for abandoning her child in a Wal-Mart toilet covered with trash & tissue. The child has survived but is in serious condition. Kudos to the Wal-Mart employees who found & revived the baby until medical crews arrived.

The mother has been charged with aggravated assault & cruelty to a child.

I think, with how awful our world is becoming, that punishments should fit the crime. If you drown (or try to drown) a baby in a toilet we're going to drown you the same way.

I really have a problem with this. This is just plain sickening. Absolutely disgusting. I think in aggravated situations like this we need to bypass some of our legal BS and just do-away with these pieces of trash. Flush this human waste down the same toilet she tried to kill her baby in!

The Most Delicious Boat In The World!

This replica Viking ship may look intimidating but in reality it is the most delicious boat in all the world! This boat is constructed from 15 million recycled popsicle sticks! I wonder if they licked them clean before they used them or if you can still see the red green & blue deliciousness...

The boat was constucted by Robert McDonald, a former Hollywood stuntman, and a group of volunteers. The ship is called the "
Sea Hart Viking Ship", named after his foundation which raises support for children in need.

Here are some stats on the ship:
15 Million Popsicle Sticks
Weighs nearly 12 tons
15 Meters Long (50 feet)
3 Meters Tall ( Excluding 6 Meter Mast)
4 Meters Wide

p.s. I'm growing a beard right now so I can join the mighty vessel as 'Cap'n Red-Beard'!

Absent Minded Professors

So today was the first day of Fall Semester and things went well over all. I managed to get into the Biology class that I needed, even though it was full, and everything seemed to go smoothly.

My first class, however, did not go as well as we would have liked. I got there and the hallway was lined with students waiting outside the door. Fifty minutes later we were in the same positions. I think someone forgot to tell the teacher that class started today. No professor on the first day of school. Have you ever heard of anything so blasphemous?

I do hope that someone shows up on Friday. I'd hate to have to go find some other replacement class because I happened to pick the Absent Minded Professor this semester.

I suppose an upside to life if he is the Absent Minded Professor is that it'd sure be hard to blow up the room in an American History class!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Vote For Pedro!

So I found some pretty sweet shirts for sale. For any fans of Napoleon Dynamite check out the link below at the bottom of the page. It should say "$4.99 Vote For Pedro Tees". Some of them include: "Vote For Pedro", "I caught you a delicious bass", "How much you wanna make a bet I could throw this football over them mountains" and many more.

And for the rest of you that have been chatting online with babes all day, I'm jealous!

Punk aint dead!

Contrary to popular belief Punk isn't dead. According to this sighting it is alive and well somewhere in Utah. We would like to remind the general public that these Punks may be dangerous. Do not approach them. Simply stare and continue on your way. They love it when people stare--I mean, just look at 'em! They're just screaming for attention!

Starving For Entertainment

I hope my readers don't end up looking like this just after one day but I won't be able to post today. I've got some work to do this morning and, for once, its away from the computer. I should be back in touch with technology this afternoon but we'll see if I find time.

Remember, drink a lot of fluids and try to get some rest. Leave two comments and come back in the morning.

Monday, August 22, 2005 Deal

468x60 Hot Products- Up to 80% Off
I found this coupon for up to 80% off at They've got some really sweet deals there. Check it out & be sure to use this link to redeem your coupon!

Matt Lewis Band - Band of the Day

Today's Song of the Day is by a small local band. I first saw them open for Maroon 5 at the McKay Events Center. It was a really good show that turned me on to two good bands.

These guys aren't stuck in one rythm either. They've got a really quick "Killin' Time" and then slow down for "In For A Ride..." Or take a listen to the complete album here...

F. U. T. O! (Support TO, Buy A Shirt!)

Dear TO,

All I want is for the Eagles to win the Super Bowl. Before you came, the Eagles couldn’t even get to the Super Bowl. Then you came, and we were the best Eagles team I had ever seen. We got to the Super Bowl and almost won. You were awesome! I decided that with just a little more practice this year, we could win it all.

But then my dad told me that you might not be on the team anymore. I was really upset and cried. Then I watched the news and saw that you were crying too! This made me cry even more! You said you needed to feed your family. I asked my mom if maybe we could help feed your family so that you would stop crying and help us win the Super Bowl. My mom told me that the Eagles gave you over 9 million dollars last year and that you can afford to buy your own food. I told her that you were crying and maybe you had spent it all already. She told me you were going to get 3 million more dollars this year. I asked her how much a hot dog costs. That’s my favorite food! She told me they were 25 cents unless you buy them from the Eagles in which case they cost 5 dollars. I asked if she thought you could afford to buy enough hot dogs to feed your family and she said “Oh yeah”, but not in a normal way, she said “Oh yeah” in the way she says it when I ask her if I have to go to school or take a bath. I hate baths! I asked her how many hot dogs you could buy and she told me to figure it out myself. I had to get my calculator to do it and the answer was 12 million hot dogs! That’s a lot of hot dogs! But then I was thinking maybe you buy your hot dogs from the Eagles in which case they cost 5 dollars. So then I was thinking maybe you had more than 12 million people in your family. Do you? We have 4. 5 if you count my turtle. His name is Donovan McTurtle.

Then I saw you doing sit-ups in front of a mall. My dad told me that it was your house. So I asked my dad if 12 million people could fit in that house and he said “probably”. That’s when I realized that Eagles were being selfish and that the Eagles need to give you more money so that you can feed your entire family. And maybe they should make their hot dogs cheaper too. I thought this would help other people too because sometimes I eat a hot dog when my dad takes me to see you play.

But then I decided that maybe I could just start saving my hot dogs for you and that way I could help you feed all 12 million people in your family. So the other night when my mom made hot dogs, I sneaked 2 halves up to my room and put them in a drawer. But then I realized it would take me a very very very very very long time to have 12 million hot dogs and so I needed to get other people to help. So then I went around my neighborhood and asked people for hot dogs for you. But I got tired of telling them the whole story so I came up with a slogan that I thought might help everyone understand the situation. Then I tried to put the slogan on a shirt. At first the slogan was “For You T.O.” but I didn’t have enuff room for all of that so I just took the first letter of the “For” and just made the "You" a “U”, which is funny because that’s the way I always used to think it was spelled! So now my shirt says F.U.T.O!

I showed my dad the shirt and he laffed. He said it really got the message across. He said he knew lots of people that would wear that shirt. So that gave me another idea which was to try to sell the shirt itself! Which was a great idea because then I could just give the money to you to buy hot dogs for your humongous starving family that lives in a mall.

All for you TO!

Yours Truly,

"There's Jews at my table!"

After eating at a restaurant, Elliott Stein and his girlfriend were handed a bill that said "Jew Couple" near the bottom, as a table identifier used by the waitstaff. The slur also turned up on Stein's credit card statement weeks later.

"My grandfather went through all that in old-school Europe," Stein, a New Yorker and a regular at the restaurant, told the New York Post. "But that happened more than 50 years ago. You don't expect it to happen in 2005."

The server, identified on the check only as Karina, is no longer working at the restaurant, general manager Malia Wells said Wednesday. Wells wouldn't say if it was because of the incident.

This reminds me of a line from the movie "As Good As It Gets" starring Jack Nicholson. He's an obsessive-compulsive writer who eats daily at a nearby diner. One day his world turns upside down when there are "Jews at his table". Pretty funny movie--didn't know it was based on real life.

The Terminator has arrived!

I found this picture in a collection of mugshots (you thought you were bored!) I guess the end of the world is coming. Its The Terminator!

I guess Ahhhnold has lost some muscle & grown out his hair but can you see the resemblance? Mechanical eye. Evil look of death.

If anyone knows John Conner maybe you should tip him off to leave the state. Watch out brother, she's coming for you.

If you live in Chicago cover your breasts!

A police officer in Chicago allegedly ordered women on two occasions to flash him during routine traffic stops. He even went as far as telling one woman to dance for him.

I would normally expect some gutsy women to offer to do this to get out of a ticket but I have never heard of an officer requesting it. I wonder how many times this worked before this last two women reported him. Hopefully not many--hopefully these were the first.

I guess, if you are in Chicago, you know how you can get out of a ticket. For the rest of you, keep your boobies in your shirt!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Drop In Readership

I have had a lack of posts recently. This is due mainly to the fact that my reader has been gone. Knowing that nobody is going to miss daily entertainment has left me available to do other things. These other things include: registering for school, sleeping in & reading.

I'm currently reading "It" by Stephen King. I have read quite a few of his other books but this one was highly recommended. I can tell (after 300 pages) that it is going to be pretty detailed. The length & the amount of build-up remind me of "The Stand", the story of the end of the world.

If anyone is looking for some good reading, take a look at "The Shining" or "Misery". Both are quite good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Congratulations are in order for the good people over at Cooped Up. They just recieved a healthy baby girl this morning. 7lbs, 4oz. I do believe they were expecting (or hoping for) a boy but you get what the stork brings, no refunds/no returns.

Good luck little one..

Friday, August 12, 2005

Weirdest Animal Ever

BRISTOL, Great Britain -- 'Kintana' is the first captive bred aye-aye, an arboreal nocturnal lemur (Daubentonia Madagascariensis) a native to Madagascar, to be born in the United Kingdom. Bristol Zoo Gardens announced that it is the first UK zoo to successfully breed and hand-rear an aye-aye, the largest nocturnal primate in the world and one of the strangest mammals on the planet. (04/15/05 AP photo)

Father Of The Year Award

A man was arrested on charges of killing his son's 2-month-old black Labrador puppy by throwing it five stories to the ground after it urinated and defecated inside their apartment.

Josper Sanon, 49, took the dog and flung it 25 feet through the air off their fifth-floor balcony, the arrest warrant said.

This jerk-off wins the Father Of The Year Award. What is his prize?

He faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

It's A Liger!

Deb: What are you drawing?
Napoleon: It's a Liger
Deb: What's a Liger?
It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed. Bred for its skills in magic.
Deb: Hmm..

Well beat me with a tetherball, Ligers are real! Learn all about 'em at National Geographic.

Tell Her What She Wins Judge!

A woman is suing the town whose police divers saved her from drowning. Barbara Connors is suing the town of Old Saybrook, Connecticut, saying she was rescued too late to prevent serious brain damage. The Massachusetts woman was in her son-in-law's sport utility vehicle when it jumped a curb, went through a chain-link fence and plunged into the Connecticut River.

Well I'll agree with the brain damage part. Someone saved her life and she's suing them because she's not her good 'ol 100%? Of course this is after jumped the curb. After she went thru the fence & after she never put on the brakes before the car went into the river.

I think if she is not thankful she was saved we could do her a favor & just let her die instead. That'd save the courts some money & one less unthankful old bag to deal with.

Entirely Too Connected

I've decided that we are entirely too connected in this world right now. Well, those of us in advanced countries anyway.

As I sit here I'm replying to text messages (two people), Instant Messages (three people) and emails. Listening to streaming audio and I've got three web pages open (monitoring email, the blog & searching for something to blog about). I've also got a phone headset on ready to take orders. I am entirely too connected to the rest of the world. I think I'd like some privacy now please.

We have information barreling at us from every direction anymore. Whether it be via TV, Radio, Internet or phones. Its a wonder we can absorb anything with all the noise coming at us. I'm all about technology but I think I'm ready for a camping trip. Maybe get away from the noise.

Artist Of The Day

Today's artist of the day is Michael Buble. This kid can really swing!

That, in a nutshell, sums up the extraordinary appeal of a young Vancouver vocalist with a gift for making some of the greatest songs of all time entirely his own. (excerpt from his biography)

Take a listen...

Can My Computer Kill Me?

A South Korean man died Tuesday, just after completing a 50-hour gaming session at a local Internet cafe—stopping only to use the bathroom and take briefs naps on a makeshift bed. The man, identified only by his family name, Lee, had recently quit his job to pursue on-line gaming. He died presumably of heart failure due to exhaustion, shortly after leaving.

Now I'm not much for gaming but I do spend a lot of time on the computer. I heard about this from my concerned fiance who probably wondered if I was going to drop dead as well.

Well, no worries. I have never done a 50hr marathon. I have been excessive in the past (present?), but never to these lengths. This reminds me of an old roommate who didn't have a job & played World of Warcraft for hours on end. Freakin' retard was his name & loser was his game.

Remember kids, Warcraft will kill you. Red's Blog 'n Save will not!

Ultimate Instant Messenger

Today I want to showcase another innovation in the field of computer programs. I've shared two other programs in an earlier post, Firefox & Spy Sweeper. This program is the ultimate in the world of Instant Messaging. GAIM.

A multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client will allow you to chat with all of your buddies, no matter what they use, all with one simply & easy to use program! Using GAIM you can connect to your buddies on AOL, MSN, Yahoo!, IRC, ICQ, Napster, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise & SILC.

No, I haven't heard of half of those either but I think the program is great vs the alternative. I have buddies on MSN, Yahoo! & AIM. This saves me the space & resources of installing and using all three programs!

If you have buddies in more than one digital universe give this a try.